As wonderful as summer in the garden can be, it can really take its toll on the lawn. The heat of the sun, the lack of rainfall, the weight of the lawn mower being used more often and increased footfall will all add to the soil becoming compacted.

Compaction can cause weakening of the grass plant, roots to develop at a shallow depth, development of surface thatch, dry patch and moss. The best way to relieve compaction in a lawn is to have aeration professionally carried out.

Thatch in a lawn is like a thatched roof above the soil line; a thatched roof keeps a house dry by keeping the moisture at the top. A thick thatch layer in a lawn functions in a similar way. Thatch is formed of grass clippings, dead leaves, living stems and roots. It impacts the soil’s moisture levels which can encourage the grass to live in the thatch. Therefore, removal of thatch is necessary to make the roots grow deeper, to get the moisture in the soil underneath, making for a stronger grass plant and an environment far less conducive to moss and other such unwanted growth.

GreenThumb can do all the heavy work for you, meaning scarification, aeration and a post scarification treatment, but it’s also essential that lawn owners ensure dead leaves are removed as they block sunlight which eventually kills the grass plant. It’s important that shrubs, bushes and overhanging branches are kept cut back, as the shade they create also prevents light reaching the lawn, which is vital for its health.

And that’s it: a lawn is made up of living, breathing plants and as long as it is not neglected through autumn and winter it will provide a beautiful, green space while we anticipate spring coming around again.

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