Hello, my name is Chekov and I am one of the resident cats at The Cat & Rabbit Rescue Centre. If you follow CRRC you may know that Hulky Bear usually writes this article. I am so devasted to let you know that sadly at the beginning of January he crossed over his rainbow bridge. He was found by the staff one morning having passed away peacefully surrounded by us other resident cats. He spent nearly 10 years at The Centre where he was loved by everyone who met him, he was such a sweet boy, who enjoyed his fuss from the staff. He will be so missed by all of us resident cats, the staff and volunteers, it will not be the same without him here.
I am really pleased to be taking over this article, but I know I have some big paws to replace. Let me first introduce myself, my name is Chekov but the staff call me Chekky. I have been at CRRC since 2016 as my owners could not cope with me. I was very shy and found humans really scary back then, they did try to rehome me but sadly it didn’t work out. So, now I live here, and I love it! I get on well with the other cats and I am often found sleeping in the garden room with them. It has taken me a good few years to trust the staff but if I’m in the right mood, I do love to have a fuss made of me.
In my article this time I wanted to tell you that we had a very cute litter of baby rabbits born at The Centre. We don’t often have rabbits born at The Centre, so it is very exciting to see them grow. Their mum was brought to us at the beginning of January after discovering her owner’s child was allergic to her. My staff had a suspicion that she may have been pregnant as she was living with a male rabbit. Only two days after she arrived, she gave birth to her litter of five baby bunnies. Once the babies reached 2 weeks they began to emerge from the nest and my staff were able to start interacting with them. They are already such characters; they now love to meet the staff and will even give them a nibble or climb on their laps. It’s so lovely to see them grow and flourish and I can’t wait for them all to find forever homes.
See you next time. Love, Chekov
P.S. Please keep an eye on our website www.crrc.co.uk and our Facebook page for all the latest news and info regarding Rehoming and Centre Life.
Bundt Cake
This month we would love to introduce you to a very handsome male rabbit called Bundt Cake. Bundt Cake arrived with us in May 2023 after his owners felt they could no longer give him the care he needed. He is one and half years old and looking to find a forever home with a female bunny he can love. He is a friendly and inquisitive boy who enjoys a cuddle, but he occasionally can be a little territorial of his space. Bundt Cake would benefit from finding an experienced rabbit owner and he would be best with older or no children.
If you think you may be able to offer Bundt Cake a loving home please give the centre a call on 01243 967111 or visit our website www.crrc.co.uk.
Email: info@crrc.co.uk
Also find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ catandrabbitrescuecentre