A site in Leigh Park which has remained undeveloped for 17 years has been earmarked as a location for development of the proposed Building School and a scouting facility.
Steps are being taken to commence a Community Asset Transfer of ownership as the site owned by Hampshire County Council shows no sign of its use when the community wants the proposed facilities.
Plans are being drawn in conjunction with a major national house builder to further an application to establish the proposed site planning use.
Park Community School along with several other local schools have expressed an interest in seeing the facility provide basic skills training for schoolchildren from the age of 11 to 17 to prepare them as possible candidates for selection to enter apprenticeships to gain further skill training and qualification in preparation for a rewarding career in the building industry.
More skills trainers will be needed so if you had a career in the building industry and have some training experience then you are needed to staff the facility and pass on your knowledge to trainees. Contact us at: info@postcodepublications.com and we will pass on your details to those who may well need your services.