Looking Up in Havant

Looking up in HavantNext time you trip over a paving stone and are sitting on the floor outside Boots the Chemist waiting for an ambulance, look up at the building pictured opposite.

Dentil FeatureThe classical architectural gables comprises rendered triangular space with relief sculpture in classical pedements surrounded with dentil brickwork - so called as to represent teeth.

The upper story is aslo defined with this brickwork feature typically found in classic Greek and Roman architecture.

Many buildings in and around Havant have adopted classical architectural features much loved by deisgners to reflect architectural history and enhance the apprearanve of what otherwise might be considered a dull frontage.

If you spot any special architectural feture worthy of note then please send a short note togther with a good quality photograph to us at: editor@postcodepublications.com  and we would be pleased to feature it.

A pedestrian Mike Skiffins
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