Stronger, More Flexible, Pain-Free Readers

… tips and exercises from our Award Winning Physio

My name is Natalie March from Physio-logical, a chartered physiotherapist in PO9.

We hope you found our tips and exercises for knee pain in our last article useful.

We are pleased to announce that we now have two new physiotherapists at our Havant clinic – please see for more information about our team.

We are now offering a neurological physiotherapy service too, so if you have MS, Parkinson’s Disease, or have had a Stroke then we can help you.

So today’s subject is “How modern technology can lead to neck pain”

Here is a testimonial from one of our clients who had neck pain:

“I went to Physio-logical after having seen two consultants and another physio…none of whom could do anything for me. I have arthritis in the upper vertebrae of my neck and this causes severe pain in the head and also greatly restricts movement. The consultants could only suggest more and stronger pain killers. Natalie, with her wonderful hands, began to bring relief and slowly greater mobility in my head and neck. I did, at one time, think I would have to give up driving. That, because of Natalie, has proved not to be the case.

Now, after some time, I have managed to greatly reduce the medication and at times have been pain free. At the beginning of the treatment, Natalie offered hope where there had been none before. I cannot thank her enough for my enhanced quality of life” (Mrs.B)

Signs and Symptoms of Text Neck (neck pain secondary to using mobile phones, tablets, laptops or desktops)

  • Upper back or neck pain when using a hand-held device
  • Aching or sharp pain in the neck
  • General shoulder pain and tightness.
  • Headaches which are aggravated when looking down or using the computer

Text Neck Treatment
The main aims of treatment are to reduce the pain in the neck, the tightness within the neck muscles, and change the postures that aggravate your symptoms.

This is achieved by hands on treatments including: neck joint mobilisations, sports massage, stretches, postural advice, nerve mobilisations, soft tissue release and acupuncture

Also ergonomic advice and education – all devices including mobile phones should be at eye level

Exercises for Text Neck
Please be aware of your body and take advice from your GP before exercising if you have any aches or pains or send me an email for advice and guidance.

Neck Retraction
This exercise will help improve posture and reduce symptoms caused by Text neck:

  • Sit up tall
  • Keeping your eyes looking forwards
  • Tuck your chin to your chest (make a double chin)
  • Hold 10 seconds, repeat ten times, three times a day




Neck Rotation

  • Rotate your head to one side until you can’t turn it any further. Bring your head back to the centre point, rest a moment, then turn your head to the opposite side.
  • Repeat ten times, three times a day




Shoulder Shrugs + Rolls

  • Shrug your shoulders up towards your ears then relax down
  • Roll your shoulders round backwards then repeat forwards
  • Repeat each exercise ten times, three times a day

If you are suffering from neck pain or any other aches or pains then please get in contact with us via: or 07835 712306.


Special Offer
Please quote: Postcode Publications to claim your free 15 minute assessment at our Havant clinic with our specialist neuro-physiotherapist. This can be claimed by calling 07835 712306 or emailing:, terms and conditions apply. We offer affordable treatment plans.

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